

  • Find defects in your code e.g. like PyChecker
  • Being used as a command line utility

Development Environment

A development environment is easily made ready. Create a buildout environment which will create the command line utility programslice:


Run all tests to establish a baseline:


Now you need the editor plugin, which is described in detail on it’s github page

Building the documentation

Documentation can easily be build by running:


The HTML can be found under docs-build.


If you hack on your own version, here is the policy for acceptable pull requests:

  • should follow PEP-8
  • each feature should provide tests which cover the new code
  • the patch should not break any existing tests
  • it should add an entry in the CHANGES.txt
  • if applicable, the feature/patch should be documented under docs

Design Decisions

The implementation makes use of the Python ASTs ctx attribute in order to find out if variables are written or read. The control flow graph representing the source code is currently very basic; most likely leading to errors in the slice result.

At this point in time, I’m concentrating not on exact accuracy, but on an overall good user experience.